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By JowhJy

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You just have to join to become part of the story! Do you have what it takes to survive?

What is this server?

Who is it for?
Strong, experienced, and enthusiastic Minecraft players who:

You do not have to be super social, by the way (I mean, I'm not) because the goal of the multiplayer on this server is to have unexpected encounters and a sense that there is a bigger world out there. But the world is big enough where you can play basically like a singleplayer world in a quiet area!

Why have I created this torture?
Well, I’ve been playing this game since 2012, and UHC mode has been my standard since 2014. Since then, I’ve become quite used to dealing with the usual gameplay and dangers of Minecraft.
From what I tend to see on the internet, most long-term players are into large builds and/or complex redstone systems. While I can enjoy that kind of thing to some degree, I would really rather do that in creative mode. What I want from survival mode is that sense of adventure that the game gave me during the earlier years.
And that is how I started to make things even more difficult for myself in my UHC world… But one of the best ways to make gameplay more interesting is by having other players in your world. This adds unpredictability, because you never know what they are going to do… And that’s why I’m looking for people who also want this experience!

Important notes
